Sarah was a trooper throughout not only her pregnancy but her labor. After some complications, Sarah was finally released from the hospital sporting a fancy "push present." I just read about Rachel Zoe's 10 carat push present , my dear friend was sent home with a medical bracelet she has to gracefully wear for at least the next 6 months along with administer shots into her abdomen just to thin her blood. I tell you what, this mama is not only amazing, she is brave! Claire Elouise, you are truly loved.
Baby Blanket
When Sarah and I spoke about Claire's newborn photos, there were three items she wanted to include in the photo shoot, and one was a knitted afghan. It was knitted by a lady named Helen Stevens, a long time nurse and a central oregon icon. She knitted it when she was 99 years young and lived to be 102 years old. This was the last afghan she knitted before her death. Very special indeed!
Another special item we included were these sweet, white shoes. These shoes were Sarah's and were in immaculate condition. Sarah was so excited to have a girl that could wear these.
The third item Sarah wanted to include was this pillow case embrodered by one of her grandmothers, or dear I saw great grandmothers.
I was shocked when Sarah brought out this picture of Claire's older brother Kevin. Can I saw virtually identical?
Thank you for the extraordinary opportunity to spend a fraction of time with your sweet baby Sarah. She is precious, a true miracle, and a blessing to all. May you heal to full capacity my friend!