When Sommer and Brendan were beginning their courtship, Brendan would send Sommer beautiful love letters. At the end of the love letters, he would sign them "truly always." They both had those sweet loving words tattooed onto their arms.
So, after looking at these pictures, you might be thinking that these are engagement pictures! Not so fast my photog friends. The two of them share 4 amazing children between the two of them! They have had their ups and downs throughout their 14 years of love, but as Sommer admits, they truly don't ever fight.
When they asked if I would capture their first family picture while I was visiting Portland, Oregon, I was estatic! Sommer and I have the same taste of "dirtiness and urbanish" locations, so, working with them was a snap. I was almost discouraged and brought to tears as I drove into Portland the night of the photoshoot and found it had been raining all day long. I don't think I could function for any long period of time in Portland. Yes, I lived near Portland for many years, but as a photographer, do you just deal with the rain? My prayers were answered as my GPS took me into downtown Portland and the rain vanished. I giggled and screamed with excitement!!!
The Slevin's found me wandering the streets of Portland and led me to our destination. Brendan had found a location that made me gasp. In all seriousness, my gasp was so loud, I swear my husband probably heard it a whole state away!
As the Slevins exited their vehicle, I found myself covering my mouth with excitement and happiness, trying not to gawk. The Slevin's family is beautiful, hip, urban, and ultra outgoing! Just the type of people I LOVE! In fact, I have asked Sommer if I could "claim" their youngest, little June, as a future daughter-in-law. June would be a perfect match for Tian, my youngest!
The 2+ hours spent with the Slevins was heaven. It was full of laughing, hugging, loving, kissing (lots and lots of kissing! My fav!), and hand holding. This family is not shy and show their emotions openly and freely! They love each other and it shows.
These family pictures are not perfect. But what I will admit is that they are priceless. What 14 year old (well, actually TURNING 14 years old 2 days following our photo shoot) willingly holds his 11 year old sisters hand without a fight and then laugh and joke with his parents as if they were his best friend? Only the coolest 14 year old boy I know of! The laughs and kisses are truly genuine. They were not staged or coaxed. This family loves each other, looks after each other, and enjoys each other's company!
Sommer, you are beautiful in every which way. You are a loving mother who puts her children's cares before her own. You have fun with your children and enjoy being in their company. You are one to be acknowledged as a true example of Motherhood!
Brendan, I loved watching you interact with each of your children. You take special time with each one of them and it shows! They love being with you!
Slevins, it was a wonderful, life changing evening spent with you. I am so happy you found your happy ending. May your love show through these images!
2 days following our photoshoot, Boston was turning. As we wandered the streets of Portland, talking about Boston turning 14, Brendan looked up and saw on the side of a building a HUGE #14! Talk about perfection!
(I love the interaction between Sommer, Boston and Brendan. This family loves to laugh!)
I am so undecisive between these next to, SO, I will just post them both up. Same picture, just color on one, black and white on the other!
During our shoot, Sommer informed me of Eliot's middle name: Wilde! She said something to the effect of, "Doesn't her name fit her?" I love love LOVE a girly girl with spunk!