Tuesday, August 10, 2010

baby: Isaac/Idaho Newborn Photographer/Natural Light Photographer

Isaac is the 6th little one in his family and is already sleeping through everything; including 4 kids under the age of 5 running around the house while grandma, me, and mom pose, hold and shoot.
(not to worry, the first picture was taken with as much safety as you can imagine.)

{be} heaven sent

twins: Double the Love/Idaho Newborn Photographer/Natural Light Photographer

Double the love for two of my greatest friends Chelsea Ann and her husband Shane. Bentley Skye and Greyson Shane: we love you just a little too much!

{be} heaven sent

expecting: Cheslea Ann's Maternity/Idaho Maternity Photographer/Natural Light Photographer

This couple will always hold a special place in my heart. Chelsea Ann is one of my oldest (meaning, we have known each other for quite a long time!) friends and I have been fortunate to share many memories with her. I now get the honor of shooting her Maternity pictures. Eat your heart our ladies, this friend of mine is carrying TWINS! A boy AND a girl and she doesn't even look it. Yes, people are shocked to hear she is expecting twins, and after you see these pictures, you will be shocked yourself.

{be} expecting

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Welcome to my new blog!

I will be posting shortly.
© be photography
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