Friday, September 24, 2010

Young Women Part Uno/be the Seniority/Natural Light Photographer/Boise Photographer

I received a message through Facebook a few weeks ago from one of the sweetest individuals in our Nampa Stake. She is the leader over the 14-15 year old young women in her ward and she was planning an activity about professions. She was hoping I could come and teach her girls about photography and then do a photo session with them. I immediately got giddy and responded within seconds, "Yes, yes, I would love to come play "America's Next Top Model" with your cute Young Women and teach them a little about posing, my camera, etc. Yes, count me...." and then I hesitated and got VERY nervous and self conscious. You see, in this sweet friend's ward there are TWO, count them TWO photographers that I completely admire and "stalk" on a religious base. Their photography skills inspire me, their blogs make me drool. So, in my message back to me friend, I said, "Ummmm, Erin? You have two perfectly capable photographers in your ward who can put my skills to shame. They are amazing, why me?" She told me when she was brain storming this Young Woman Activity, my name was the first to pop in her head.

What an honor and a privilege to spend the evening with these 4 amazing young woman. If only I was as sweet, caring and considerate as these 4 girls when I was their age. Some were a little nervous and very conscious, but with a little help and positive reinforcement from their friends, we all had a wonderful time. Their encouragement inspired me that evening!

I have always wanted to check out this property very close to the Stake Center we were holding the Young Woman activity, SO, this was the perfect opportunity. I had hoped the girls didn't mind me using them as my lab rats for this shoot.  I was given permission to shoot that evening on this property, and it did not disappoint.

Thank you Erin for having faith in me. I enjoyed our evening together. I hope the girls like their pictures!


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