Friday, December 17, 2010

{Toll Family}/Meridian Family Photographer/Meridian Children's Photgrapher

This family is near and dear to my heart. I have had the wonderful opportunity and pleasure of watching this brother and sister duo grow up and have also been blessed by their mother's example. Their mother was the first person, other then family members, that I trusted to care for my oldest son. When she moved on to greener pastures and moved away, I seriously mourned her loss for weeks. I shed buckets of tears and still yearn for her return. For now, we are happy with our daycare situation, but still miss our Miss Michelle terribly. I was honored that Michelle, for the 2nd year in a row would ask me to capture her sweet children's beautiful faces and oh-so perfect freckles. Being one who dons the freckles too, I couldn't help but capture every one of Tanner's facial freckles!

When it comes to the Tolls, it is pure heaven. Taylor and Tanner are completely comfortable in front of the camera and are always willing to try anything. For instance, Taylor has been eyeing this property, as have I, for several months. Finally, we got up the nerve, marched ourselves to the front door of the farm house to ask for permission to use their property for our photo shoot, and NO ONE ANSWERED! So, for about 10 minutes, we ran around the property, finding wonderful little places for the perfect picture.

Did I mention I had my little guy with me? YES, and sweet Miss Michelle jumped right in to watch his every move. I couldn't have been more comfortable!

I love you Toll family, I hope I get to accompany you on many more years of photo taking!













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